On the subject of authentic self I have a few comments:
Discovering Your Authentic Self - (personal identity)
I think that by authentic self you mean what you really are all about minus the Jdub programming, and repression.
My take on it is finding your true self, so that one would have to do a lot of shadow work(Jungian), un-repress it and become more whole(Jungian). As one learns to accept all parts of himself he usually becomes more creative because in repressing our dark side we repress a lot of our talents as well.
So I see a search for one's authentic self as a real challenge and worthy endeavor and a very good shrink of say a Jungian back round might help if you can afford it(dreams are the royal road to discover the unconscious). Me I just kind of search the net and read shit that gives me a better understanding of human nature.
Losing one's self by becoming a Watchtower drone can leave one as an empty self, just a shell of what one really is and very far from reaching one greatest potential. Read a little Maslow's stuff might help a person in this regard, maybe even a little Kazimierz Dabrowski's stuff might get one there I don't know.